I just wanted to write to say thank you so much for looking after Sophie and Penny and for letting me give them a home all the way over in Oxfordshire!
They’re settling in well and I’ve attached a few photographs in case you’d like them for your rehoming page. As you can see, it was difficult to get a photograph of both of them together, as they’re too busy whizzing about the garden to stay still for a photo op!
Sophie is reliving her kittenhood and has been climbing the curtains, playing with the cat tree we made for her, getting stuck on top of the fence (as she’s too chicken to jump down) and pouncing on Penny at every opportunity.
Penny’s taking it with good grace so far and is even relaxed enough to play with Soph’s toys from time to time, though Penny would prefer a quiet life on the back of the sofa, given the choice. Both cats are exploring our garden and the local area.
Soph has a habit of hiding in cupboards and getting shut in, so we’re hoping she’ll stay out of the local garages in future. They’re both affectionate cats and always come to say hello when we get home, and they’re both putting on a bit of weight, though Soph will always be little.
Penny gives the best head-butts! Sophie is very bossy and is always stalking Penny around the house, so we’ve nicknamed her the little furry monster. She answers to that name too.
Thanks again for letting us give a home to this gorgeous pair!