I adopted my lovely kitten at three months old from you in January, after she had a terrible start – having been dumped with her littermates in a binbag out in the terrible pre-Christmas weather.
As a result she had contracted flu and lost all sight in one eye, as well as being very tiny. Well she settled in quickly – five minutes after being dropped off she was stretched out on my lap, and ever since then has very definitely ruled the roost!
My eight-year-old pedigree Tiffanie didn’t know what had hit him, and now he has a friend he plays like a kitten. My friend moved in with me in June, bringing her gigantic Persian, who is bossed about umercifully by this little tortie slip a third of his size.
She is doing incredibly well, it turns out she is extremely clever, I have never met a cleverer cat, which makes it a challenge to keep her occupied and out of trouble! Her eye is much better, it is permanently damaged unfortunately but we are trying a new treatment to improve it, and she can see much better than she used to, she looks at things perfectly straight now.
She is growing up into a beautiful young cat, and I took her to a GCCF show along with our pedigree cats, and apart from causing quite a stir with her affectionate and slightly naughty ways (insisting on sitting on my arm not in the pen!) she came home with two big red ribbons!
She is coming to the supreme in November, so fingers crossed! She is an absolutely perfect addition to our household, and I can’t remember life without her any more – although I seem to remember it wasn’t quite so much hard work!