Last Wednesday I finally got to go and pick up my little boy. We were told often that no one had been too interested after meeting him as he was so shy and didn’t interact with anyone.
This didn’t put us off. So, Wednesday morning we got him home and tried to settle him into his new home. We decided to keep him in the bedroom for the first couple of days so he could get used to all the new smells, and so that the other cat, Pixel, wouldn’t get too much of a shock.
I spent some time just sat on the floor doing work. After about an hour he got the confidence to come and have a sniff around and find out who I was.
That was the only hour of shyness we have witnessed. He has settled in so well. I have a big deadline for a huge amount of work on Thursday. Having this little softy nudging and head butting me for cuddles is not helping!!! He’s so friendly and the best distraction. He has even made friends with Pixel.
They will happily spend hours running around with each other purring their little heads off and causing trouble. They’re favourite game is ‘Knock the decorations off of the christmas tree’!! He’s a completely different cat to the one we first met, curled up in the corner too scared to come out.
We’re so pleased that he has settled in, it’s great to see him happily jumping and running around. Thank you so much for our new little buddy.
He’s puuurfect.
Ps. He seems to want to be a model when he grows up!