Popcorn and George were born in late July and are sister and brother from the same litter. Their foster kitten mum looked after them with lots of love and affection, so both were really easy to handle and litter trained when we took them home.
Popcorn is the white and tabby and has her name from the tabby spot looking like a popcorn on her side. George is the white and ginger one and he’s quite a bit bigger than his sister.
Popcorn is a great footballer and loves dribbling with ping pong balls. She is also really good at climbing – in particular all the way up the curtains onto the curtain rail!
George is a bit clumsy and has the loudest purr. Even the vet was impressed by it and couldn’t check his heart beat because he was purring so loudly!
They are both really sociable and like sleeping on our laps in the evening when they are exhausted from their play.
We are so pleased we got two kittens from the same litter as they play, fight and snuggle up together whilst we’re at work so they never get bored.
That you to everyone at the charity and to Katie.
Si & Nat