Adventurous Duke

Adventurous Duke
20 October 2013 Aime Cox-Tennant

I thought I’d just send an update on Duke, an FIV positive cat that I adopted after a good Samaritan friend rescued him from life as a stray.

It’s one year ago today, on 20th October 2012, that I was lucky enough to have him move in with me, and despite my initial concerns about whether he (and I! – I’ve never owned a cat before) would be OK, he’s been very happy, and has brightened up my every day. 🙂

He’s settled into being a house-cat with the greatest of ease, and has also enjoyed some adventures in my back garden during the summer when I’ve been outside and able to keep an eye on him (it’s fenced all around and he’s seemingly not quite nimble enough to get over at all easily – fortunately!).

Health-wise he’s doing fine, with nothing more than a little gingivitis and some badly knotted fur (clippered off but now almost all grown back and looking beautiful).

Here’s hoping that he lives a long and happy life. 🙂

A big thank you again for your assistance in rescuing him. Keep up the good work!

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