Hi, just wanted to drop you a line with an update on Rambo. He has been living with us now since March and he is just purrrfect!
From day one he has been loving and affectionate, my little furry friend following me all around the house, i couldn’t wish for a better cat, even when he taps me on the head at 4am every morning for his biscuits!
He loves the garden, although doesn’t venture far and if out of sight soon comes back with the shake of the biscuit box!
His favourite hobby is sunbathing and sleeping, whether that be in the sun or under the bed! He even sits in the window waiting for me to come home from work, i just love him so much! He has a good appetite, once a week he gets a treat, cod loin from the fish counter at Tesco, it’s his favourite.
He sits in the kitchen looking at the steamer almost dribbling waiting for it to be cooked and licks the bowl clean! I have attached some pics for you to see, please note I didn’t take him on holiday in the suitcase, he is just very inquisitive!
I would like to thank Helen, who looked after Rambo before I rehomed him and Donna who homechecked him and has helped me so much, you have been brilliant! So thank you for my little Rambo.