Muscat and Pinot are doing really well, very happy and playful, enjoying the garden.
The older cats have come to accept them quite well even though they are not amused by their antics sometimes. Kittens are so blissfully unaware of how much they irritate them sometimes by playing with their tails etc!
Misty has actually found a new kittenish streak though, she loves their toys! Pinot had a tumble dryer incident which fortunately had a happy ending, he’s fine now. They’ll be having their little operations in about a month and their chips put in.
Muscat still loathes going in the car, Pinot is as good as gold. They’re growing fast and eating well. Muscat is a tall kitty, quite lean and very ‘chatty’, not the shy little boy he was, he loves outdoors, especially at dusk.
Pinot still has a firm round tummy and the cutest face; he loves playing too but is a bit easier than Muscat to catch when it’s time to come in!